After the grand success of the first smartphone Yureka, Yu is all set to launch its successor, Yuphoria in the Indian Smartphone market soon. The device is expected to be launched on May 12, exclusively on, through flash sales as it was seen earlier with Yureka.
The Yu is the subsidiary of the Indian smartphone selling giant Micromax, which is teasing the Indian consumers by releasing the videos showing the features of the device.
Regarding the teasing campaign, the company has launched 2 teasers. The first one shows the improved build quality of the device by a scene in which the handset users drops the device on the floor.
Following it, someone utters, “the Yuphoria is fine” before the camera is pointed towards the floor which has a broken tile to imply that the device actually broke it.
Meanwhile, the second one shows that a guy is playing music in his phone and hairs of a lady sitting opposite to him, fly all over the place. It seems that the company is trying to convince users which are not satisfied with the Yureka’s performance as most of the Yureka users complained about the built and sound of the device.
Rumors surfacing on the internet suggest that unlike the Yureka, the Yuphoria may boast a metal rim and rugged polycarbonate back. In addition, it is expected that the device will be priced around Rs. 15,000 for all plastic body.
The Yureka successor will be running on Android 5.0 Lollipop-based CyanogenOS 12 supported by a 64-bit processor that will be coupled with a 2GB of RAM and sport 16 GB of unexpandable internal storage. With the regular connectivity options, the device will offer 4G LTE support and an HD or full HD display.
Apart this, Micromax has ended the legal tussle with OnePlus, yesterday. OnePlus today announced that the cases have been withdrawn and the legal proceedings against the firm have been resolved through mutual consent. Five months earlier, the firm alleged that OnePlus was infringing the exclusive rights of Micromax to use Cyanogen software. As, the co-founder of the company, Rahul Sharma has signed an exclusive contract with Cyanogen to use the OS for its subsidiary product, Yu Yureka.
The company was alleged the OnePlus just before the launching of Yu Yureka and as of now the firm has taken those allegations back before launching Yu Yuphoria. It is so, may be because the allegation on the company affected the sales of both of the devices as the consumers were in fear that they won’t get OTA update for the OS in their devices.
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