Xiaomi announced earlier this year that it would be focusing its attention on the Indian market, and the vendor is doing so with two new product launches, the Mi Pad and the Redmi 2. The Mi Pad will be targeted at the mid-range tablet segment and will retail for Rs. 12,999 ($207), while the Redmi 2 is the successor to the entry-level Redmi 1S and will be available for Rs. 6,999 ($110).
Both devices will feature Xiaomi's Android 4.4-based MIUI 6 out of the box. MIUI has garnered over 100 million users globally, and by offering affordable devices with stellar hardware, Xiaomi will be looking to increase that user base considerably over the course of the year.
In terms of specs, the Mi Pad is at par with HTC's Nexus 9, boasting a similar 4:3 ratio on a 7.9-inch screen with a resolution of 2048 x 1536. Powering the device is an NVIDIA Tegra K1 CPU that has a quad-core Cortex A15 CPU clocked at 2.2GHz and a 192-core GPU. The tablet comes with 2GB RAM, and storage variants of 16 and 64GB are available. Considering the pricing, it is likely the 16GB variant will make its debut in India initially. There's also a microSD card slot, 8MP camera at the back, 5MP front shooter, Wi-Fi ac, Bluetooth 4.0 and a 6,700mAh battery.
Coming over to the Redmi 2, Xiaomi will try to emulate the success of its predecessor, the Redmi 1S. The handset comes with updated hardware in the form of a 4.7-inch 720p display, Snapdragon 410 CPU, 2GB RAM, 8GB storage, microSD card slot, 8MP camera, 2MP front shooter, 3G connectivity and a 2,200mAh battery.
Sales of the Mi Pad will commence starting March 24, with the device up for open sale on Flipkart. The Redmi 2 will follow a registration process, with the first batch of registrations starting from 6PM IST March 24.
Source: Twitter (Mi India), Flipkart
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